

The Househunter Room by Room

So here we are on Friday 13th and this house seemed apt. Not least for the picture over the fireplace but also just look at the setting. Feels like the perfect place to hide away and still be able to go outside for fresh air. Built in 1980 it's nestled in  oak woodlands in Surrey

The Househunter: Room by Room

And it's Friday and to celebrate that we're going to have a look round this 1920s house in Hampstead Garden Suburb, an area of north London which was designed as the perfect suburb with hedges instead of walls, wide tree-lined roads and to cater for all classes and incomes. As you can imagine in north

The Househunter: Room by Room

Finishing the August Archives with a look back to these two properties which were on the market back in March. From Monday we will be back to normal with some new inspiring rooms to look at, some new trends and ideas for your own spaces and  a new episode of the podcast where Sophie and

The Househunter: Room by Room

Every now and then RightMove does a round up of the most unusual properties on the market at the moment and this month they include a windmill, a castle, a water tower, a converted church and an unconverted church and a bungalow that has been transformed into a Venetian Palace. Oh yes. You need to